June 14, 2008

Globalisation of Consumers

Globalisation of customers citizens

The age of romance and beauty continues. So is the quest to find the meaning of life. But no longer we hear of a young charming prince from a distant land setting out on his effervescent horse to conquer and unite the world. We have our dapper graying ‘powerful’ kings, some democratic some not, busy launching marauding armies from their air-conditioned bunkers shortly after a nutritious dinner meal.

The world has accepted the political boundaries drawn in the wake of Second World War as sacrosanct. Higher fences are a symbol of safety and happiness. Admiration and awe is now moved from those decorated military heroes to tactical weapons and their awesome destructive force. Bombs know no forgiveness as associated with erstwhile romantic war heroes. Wars are still waged, still in the name of peace. We have devised new ways to acquire the wealth from weaker people and nations. We call it globalization.

The industrially developed nations are touting globalization as a panacea for the reduction of poverty on the earth. In the process these corporation contribute to the economic development of their parent countries though market expansion and out sourcing hazardous production processes. The enlightened scholars from the western world advise the developing countries to allow big business corporations from the west to sell to the poor citizens living in the developing countries.

These great corporations from the industrially developed world promise to ‘delight’ the customers in the LDC countries. But the same customer do not get a welcome if s/he wishes to live in the countries represented by these global corporations. How do these companies plan to achieve ‘customer delight’ without building mutual trust?

How can a company call itself a true marketing corporation if that does not stand for equal opportunities? If the people from less developed world do not have equal chance of living wherever they wish what moral right does a corporation have to interact with same people living in their local countries. Globalization can be achieved only if all citizen customers have equal opportunity to live wherever they want as per the international laws and ethics.

The developed world discourages less developed people to join them as that may disturb the local culture. The same people vehemently promote their cultural products all over the world. Why should people in India, China, Russia and Brazil develop a liking for Scottish whiskey or French wines or German engineering products? These are distinctly culture-based products.

How do we explain the rise of Australian wine industry or the rise of Canadian corporations? Why can’t you enjoy a drink of Coca Cola in Middle East? What has happened to the sales of Swiss watch industry in the wake of continuing conflict in Gaza? If a nation fails to welcome all citizen consumers to its shores it would face problems in making money from global citizens.

Is actual Globalisation achievable without building a civil global ethos based on universal principles of justice and fairness? We can not go against the mother nature, have we ever come across a moment in our long past when entire planet has had the same conditions, economic, political, natural, or social? When was the last time you heard that the earth has had rains all over the place, or everyone went to bed the same time? If nature on earth cannot offer same weather conditions in all places, how can we achieve true globalisation of opportunities? The new order looks farcical in the light of definition of marketing too.

We do not have same color of our skin. Nations do not have same ‘power’. What is the purpose of aiming for Level playing field amongst unequal? Have our civilization given up and have accepted the hegemony of the strong over the week? If might shall always be right, then why talk of creating an equitable, just and human society on the earth.

Guru Gobind Singh ji has remarked that true virtuous beauty is enshrined in the act of valor when sparrows muster up the courage to challenge the hawks. But in our postmodern society such romantic acts are portrayed as old fashioned. Pursuit of pleasures takes precedence over the pursuit of happiness.

Globalisation would give an equal opportunity to powerful developed countries in the west to compete in the market place in the developing world. The direct consequence of it would be that due to lack of resources the companies in the LDC would be at mercy of the onslaught of the foreign companies.

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