The Charlie
hebdo tragedy once more brought onto centre-stage the ongoing struggle between
the power of the ideas versus the might of the gun. Three french citizens from
a minority community took to the gun to forcibly silence those who they think had
hurt them with their views. The war
between ideas and sword have been continuing without abatement since the big bang
and may never end till the eternity. Socrates had to die at the altar of the
truth. Galileo was made to retract his opinion due to threat of violence. Sikh
Gurus and millions of ordinary Sikhs had to endure torture and death just to
propagate the philosophy of Universal brotherhood
which at variance with that of the ruling class in Mughal period in India.
But generally there
is universal consensus on the power & impact of the ideas over the material
word. Ideas are like tiny droplets of rain that emanate from nowhere drenching
the earth caressing its ruffled surface softly most of the times. But some
ideas leave their distinct mark on the world, just like the torrents of rainwater
gushing from cloudbursts eliminate significant
chunks of the earth forever and simultaneously make new magnificent relief features for the future to admire. Pen is generally touted to be mightier than sword
but wars are often won on the ground than the drawing board.
In the current
post modern world marked by the information revolution, the education continue
to be seen as critical tool of human development. Governments are busy improving the quantity and quality
of education so that people could lead a better life on earth. But can education
actually change the life of an individual and make it better? Questions are
many. How much education is necessary for a meaningful living? Is higher education
a luxury or the pursuits of education is akin to that of money, more the
merrier? Is thinking a critical skill which can be taught in classrooms? If the
answer is in the affirmative, then what percent of people in a society need
that skill? Manual skill is certainly core human skill without which a citizen
is like a challenged person. A person who can not use limbs with dexterity won't be
able to enjoy life to the fullest.
Is all
education good, an elixir for human development and beneficial for a person to
live a better life? I am not sure. Govt of India and most educationists don’t seem
to think so. Despite three decades of privatization & expansion of
education in India, its often said that human resources of India lack the
critical skills needed to employ them gainfully. People are scoring higher
marks in exams each time but the chorus
of lack of employability skills seems to be rising like a crescendo. Why?
Actually India
has never given education a higher place over the pursuit of material wealth
since the ancient period. Education, in Hindu society, had been made a preserve
of the few brahmins ordained with the task of metaphysical pursuits. The Hindu class groups, called castes, who were
assigned the task of running the real world, like fighting wars, finding food and
making products were not supposed to write books (vedas) to document knowledge
for next generations. Therefore few books (Vedas) that are accused of
containing details of making wondrous planes and solving pythagoras theorem
are written by Brahmins involved in the task of making gods happy than serving
the humanity. Therefore the twenty-first century Hindus are pained to refer to ancient texts rather than later day
literature in order to showcase glory or lack of credibility of their culture.
Education in
present day India have become a burden as those with proper degree diplomas are accused of lacking skills & attitude needed for employment. Millions of
youth with scintillating professional degrees obtained with enormous investments
of money and precious time struggle to find a job under those who are often
less educated than them. If the higher education can’t help a youth to get more
benefits, than those who didn’t work as hard, why would s/he be motivated to
pursue it? Why would anyone be motivated to pursue higher education in India if
a genuine scholar like Dr Manmohan Singh is seen as less intelligent than
Narendra Modi, who didn't study hard enough?
The youth of India need to wake up
and stop wasting time in expensive college campuses funded purely by tuition fees
contributed by their parents if the higher education fail to ensure them some
rewards and improve life. Why would someone study for years together only to take orders from those who have limited or no education? If you disagree, look around and you will find people who have/had ordinary education have more wealth and recognition than their genuinely educated peers. Majority of private universities are run by those who themselves failed to pass entrance tests for higher education. If a qualified engineer, doctor, manager have to run errands for partly educated guys why waste time in studies, go to work? Education is a burden in India, travel light to enjoy
the journey.
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