March 12, 2011

Home Atta Kneader

This region has many appliances companies selling food processors & juicers etc, but i have not come across an independent Dough Making machine for Indian kitchens. Though majority of India prefers rice over wheat, but large number of households in north can't do without Paraonthas & Chapttis as main part of the diet. There is enormous scope for Dough Kneader appliance in Indian kitchen to relieve the drudgery of soiling hands and avoiding hands free operations in kitchen.

A stand alone dough Kneader prices around INR 2500 with a capacity of upto 1 kg load as basic design could fly off the shelves faster than the water purifier or the food processors. I have a design ready for the machine that's based on year long research. I am looking for a partner appliances major to join me.


Roshni said...

Sir, Have you found an option? I am ready to shell out more for a nice atta kneader for domestic use. I have searched the net for a standalone kneader but can not find even a review except for the Softel atta kneader but the power of the motor is only 180 Watts.

I know that a lot of my friends would like to own one too.

rajesh kumar said...

Kindly wait we are coming with A dough kneader of 3 kg flour capacity with a price range of 20 to 25 k-Electrofab-bangalore

rajesh kumar said...

we are coming out with a dough kneader of higher capacity of 3 kg flour for bigger family and labs in the range of Rs.20 to 25 k- Electrofab - bangalore

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